The BCCC Preschool 2008-2009 academic year has officially begun!
This month we have had a great time getting to know new friends and welcoming back old friends. We are very excited about the upcoming academic year and have made a few changes to the curriculum that we have already begun to incorperate. The children have been divided into three groups for daily small group activities:
Monday = Math
Tuesday = Science
Wednesday = Cooking
Thursday = Music
Friday = Free Day (Group Leader's Choice)
This was done with the hopes that it would create a special bond among the children in each group and give them the opportunity to get to know friends that they may not play with regularly. So far the small groups has been recieved with RAVE reviews! The children are so excited and proud of their groups! One child said to his parents after the first day of small groups "I made the team!!" Already we have seen the preschoolers sit with their groups at lunch and they are brainstorming "names" for themselves. A few suggestions have been "The Green Eagles", "The Princess Balerinas" and "The Pirates". We will be settling on group names by next month.
The groups will be shifted on a trimester basis so the children get the opportunity to bond with everyone in the class over the course of the year. We will keep you updated on the progress of this new venture in small groups!
We have truely enjoyed the beginning of this new year and are looking forward to working with you, the parents, in the months to come! Feel free to bring any questions or concerns to anyone of us - we are here to help. We hope this first Blog entry begins an open dialog that will bring about positive results!