Today the preschoolers learned about fire safety with our friends Firefighter Mike and Ranger John. The children were taught how to help prevent forest fires by not playing with fire making tools by Ranger John. Firefighter Mike (who visits five times a year to talk about fire safety) brought in a smoke detector (called a "fire protector" at first by a few kids) and taught us what to do when you hear a smoke alarm. Firefighter Mike was very impressed by how much the preschoolers already knew! The excitement of another "special guest" had the kids wiggling in anticipation . . . Smokey the Bear! Many preschoolers and a few older toddlers lined up to give hugs and 'high fives' to Smokey before we said goodbye to Firefighter Mike and Ranger John. A big thanks to our fire safety instructors! We look forward to Firefighter Mike's next visit in October!